Quality at all levels

TaMek AS is ISO 9001, ISO14001 and ISO 3834-2 certified and we use good management systems for diverse and demanding tasks. This enables us to provide quality at all levels to deliver products and services to customers requiring very high quality and documentation. Kongsberggruppen and BAE Systems Hägglunds are examples of high-tech companies which we provide systems to.

One of the reasons why we have succeeded to deliver to prestigious customers as theme over time, are our aggressive and positive strategy and our focus on quality at every stage. For us it is important to build relationships based on mutual trust and create a positive expertise mentality.

  • We have documentation and traceability throughout the supply chain.
  • We have continual process development with annual ISO audit.
  • Employees are certificate of apprenticeship.
  • We are an approved training establishment, taking with it its share of responsibility so that the industry receives the necessary expertise.